Wednesday, March 14, 2012

How the main dish gets done.

The pork chops Recipe in my previous post will be used in this blog post, along with a full coarse meal plan for a great family dinner. It includes an appetizer, beverage, side dishes, (Starch and vegetable), main course, and desert. This will be done by the other author’s blog’s I will be including in this post.

Appetizer: BLT Dip
Main Course:   Oven breaded Pork Chops
Side Starch:
Side Vegetable:
Beverage: Pineapple juice

            I bet your wondering how the recipe works for me to say “cut able with a fork.” It doesn’t take much to figure out but just for now just try not to think about it too much.

            Would you believe me or not it’s everything in the recipe that make its tender and juicy pork chop there’s no special way to do it. It’s just follow directions I left. From the fat in the pork chop, to the egg coating, and finally the breading that make it so delicious. The layers and way its cook also helps. The pork chop at the center if the fat isn’t cut off it will cook and break down the tough meat. The eggs and breading act as a shell holding in the moister that’s produced by the meat cooking along with the eggs and milk mix adds a small portion of moister.

            This is how it work being as the oven is preheated to the temperature it will cook the outside first of course but in doing this it hold the breading nice and tight to make the shell and as the heat cooks the inside its held in by the egg and bread.  350 degrees is a nice temp also to prevent the burning of the outside so it doesn’t turn into a crispy critter.

            There are also more healthy choices when making this dish using bread or crackers is already healthy as long as there unsalted. However you can instead of using the whole egg only use the whites or egg beaters the milk used can be whatever fat content but skim milk is the healthiest. Trimming the fat on the pork chop isn’t recommended because it could make it less tender.  Haven’t tried myself but worth a try if trying to cut cholesterol intake. Another way you can cut fat is to use canola oil instead of vegetable oil. But being as its only used to coat the pan won’t be much.

            There is however things you can try to fit your tastes. Adding or removing seasoning is always a choice just remembered to add dry with dry and liquid with liquid. For those like me that love bacon add that for a pan coating gives a mild bacon flavoring I have also had a friend make these and he has put a light coat on the Pork Chop itself but I’m not that much crazy about adding a bunch of extra fat to my diet.

            I hope you have gotten good information on this dish hope you try it.  If you want more information or to try a lot of different variation there. Look a lot of recipes online and continue the home meal tradition. I prefer mine because it fits my taste and amount of time.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How to make Oven Pork chops you can cut with a fork.

Ingrediants and equipment needed:

Sheet Pan or disposible sheet pan
2 Bowls one for liquid ingrediants one for dry ingredeants
1 Wire Whip or fork
Oven Preheated to 350 degrees

Package of four pork chops
1/2 pound of Crutons, Crackers, Dried Bread crums
1/4 cup of milk
1/4 Cup of Veg Oil or Konola Oil
3 large eggs
2 Table spoons of Black Pepper
2Table spoons of italian seasoning
1 1/2 table spoons of Onion Powder
1 Tablespoon of Garlic powder or Garlic salt
1 tea spoon of salt (if you used Garlic Powder)

1. Crush crutons or crackers till crums, its ok if there is some larger chunks
2. mix in Black pepper , Garlic, onion powder, italian seasoning, and salt if needed
3. Beat eggs and mix in milk until uniform color
4. Pull pork Chops out of package and lightly rinse. (to get rid of blood on outside)
5. lightly coat sheet pan in oil to prevent sticking
6. Submerge Pork Chop in ege then press in crum mix one at a time and place on sheet pan its ok if it isnt 100% covered use left over crums to cover the top and sides of Pork Chop. If you need to make more crums use discretion in creating more.
7. place in preheated oven for 30min or till Thickest Pork Chop is white all the way threw.
8. Enjoy
Recipe may need adjusting depending on size and thickness of pork chops just be carefull dont want to much crums or flavor to overide the taste of anything thats included.

3-5 Things I Know How to Do.

1. Sharpen a Knife.
2. Make a potatoe gun
3. Build a Steam jacket Kettle.
4. Make a sweet chili.
5. Make pork Chops that you can cut with a Fork.


Photo Test

Nothing like a dry day.